Quelques citations de l’ouvrage Exo-Psychology (La révolution cosmique en français) de Timothy Leary sur le thème des ilôts de réalité (islands of realities).
À propos de la capacité à être objectifs :
Since the “island realities” which we inhabit are defined by genetic template and imprint we can only evaluate ourselves in terms of the symbols which our nervous systems have created.
À propos de la détermination et de la création des îlots de réalité :
Each imprint determines the positive and negative foci for subsequent conditioning of the newly activated neural circuit. Each imprint defines a level of island reality.
À propos d’une création volontaire de ces îlots :
Recently developed techniques for re-imprinting make possible serial, planful recreation of realities.
À propos de l’attachement à ses îlots de réalité :
The first four phases are muscular-material and define tiny survival “island realities” to which the organism is attached.
À propos de la vérité (bien/mal) :
Each nervous system creates its own island realities. Truth is defined by the wiring of the individual nervous system genetic, imprinted and conditioned.
À propos de la prépondérance des îlots centrès sur l’individu par rapport aux autre :
The island-realities of the child overlap the island realities of the parents and the local tribal group.
À propos du plasir comme conducteur à des ilôts de réalité validées par/pour la survie :
There are eight levels of pleasure. The four larval circuits provide rewarding, reassuring signals that the survival lines to the island-realities are secure.
Dans le cadre de phases de transition :
The delicacy of this process and the permanence of the new imprint “fix” is both awesome and awe-full. A new person is created as each circuit of the nervous system emerges. The new extensions of the reality-island must be hooked up without disturbing the earlier “realities.” The new “person” must be integrated.
À propos de l’expérience de l’unicité :
In addition to genetic specializations, the environmental models imprinted at the four periods of individual development define island realities which vary from person-to-person and from group-to-group.
À propos de chauvinisme neural :
People unconsciously recognize this selectivity of island realities. Social avoidance and clustering tend to respond to these reality chauvinisms. Anyone who is different is crazy or alien.
À propos de la formation du nouveau système neural :
The infant body is like a space ship floating on the strange new planet. The imprint is a life-line extended in blind robot fashion groping for hospitable surface to which it attaches and roots thus creating the reality island.
À propos de l’impression :
Just as chemicals “fix” the photographic image on film, so is the neural image of the island-reality “fixed” by synaptic chemical bonds at the time of imprinting.
À propos de la sécurité :
Security means that the imprinted life-lines are securely fastened to a stable island-reality.
De la préparation [mentale/morale] avant une séance de LSD :
The dismal fact about casual LSD sessions is that the ill-prepared person tends to re-imprint the past conditioned structure; thus charging with new energy the habit-patterns of the old island reality.
Un certain pragmatisme ?
In communicating with larvals the following points must, therefore, be remembered: The Larval has no interest in you, you do not exist, unless you can hook into Hir limited reality-island, transmit on Hir narrow mind-band, unless your behavior offers meaning in terms of possible benefit or threat to Hir: